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Additional file 1: Table S1. of Origin and phylogenetic status of the local Ashanti Dwarf pig (ADP) of Ghana based on genetic analysis

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posted on 2017-02-20, 05:00 authored by Richard Osei-Amponsah, Benjamin Skinner, Dennis Adjei, Julien Bauer, Greger Larson, Nabeel Affara, Carole Sargent
Number of animals sampled per agro-ecological region, based on farms and locations. Table S2. A summary of mitochondrial haplotypes. Table S3. Results from Y chromosome derived polymorphisms. Table S4. Summary of coat colour information, sequence polymorphisms, and predicted haplotypes in the MC1R gene from animals collected in Ghana. Table S5. A summary of the intervals defined by FST analysis, with genes, flanking genes for each intergenic region, and genes at peaks commonly seen between between ADP subset 1 and ADP subset 2 comparisons with other breeds identified in bold. Table S6. DAVID functional annotation results showing clustering of genes (p < 0.5) from the intervals identified in comparisons with human alignments. Table S7. Information on an individual gene basis for genes containing a peak SNP, including Entrez gene summary, gene associations, and gene association classifications based on DAVID analysis with human based databases for extraction of maximum information. (XLSX 78 kb)


to Cambridge in Africa Research Excellence (CAPREx)
