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Additional file 1: Table S1. of Crawling-induced floor dust resuspension affects the microbiota of the infant breathing zone

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posted on 2018-02-02, 05:00 authored by Heidi Hyytiäinen, Balamuralikrishna Jayaprakash, Pirkka Kirjavainen, Sampo Saari, Rauno Holopainen, Jorma Keskinen, Kaarle Hämeri, Anne Hyvärinen, Brandon Boor, Martin Täubel
QIIME mapping file. Table S2. Details on qPCR assays included in this study. Table S3. Microbial concentrations as determined with qPCR in 17 carpets used in the chamber experiments, expressed as loads (cell equivalents (CE) per square meter of carpet) and as concentrations (CE per milligram of carpet dust). Table S4. Means, minimum, and maximum of particulate matter (PM100 [μg/m3]) and microbial levels (cell equivalents/m3) in infant breathing zone (IBZ) during five individual crawling and walking experiments on different rugs and corresponding ratios of crawling versus walking resuspension experiments. Table S5. Spearman rank-order correlations between the top 10 most abundant bacterial genera in infant breathing zone air and carpet dust. Table S6. Differential features (OTUs) in carpet dust versus infant breathing zone air samples as determined via LEfSe analysis of 16 carpet dust and 16 corresponding IBZ samples. Table S7. Dust load, quantitative PCR measurements, and particle mass concentrations from crawling experiments on 17 carpets. Table S8. Dust load, quantitative PCR measurements, and particle mass concentrations from crawling and walking experiments on 5 carpets. (XLSX 72 kb)


Suomen Akatemia
