posted on 2021-12-17, 04:24authored byKarolina M. Andralojc, Mariano A. Molina, Mengjie Qiu, Bram Spruijtenburg, Menno Rasing, Bernard Pater, Martijn A. Huynen, Bas E. Dutilh, Thomas H. A. Ederveen, Duaa Elmelik, Albert G. Siebers, Diede Loopik, Ruud L. M. Bekkers, William P. J. Leenders, Willem J. G. Melchers
Additional file 14. Raw data File 4. CiRNAseq (.xlsx). Raw data from SeqNext following microbiome profiling of eight cervical smears using CiRNAseq. The first seven sheets represent the seven samples included in the final analyses. The last sheet shows the sample with <1000 URC and excluded from the calculations. Values represent URC.
Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación European Research Council