Springer Nature

Additional file 12 of Multi-omics colocalization with genome-wide association studies reveals a context-specific genetic mechanism at a childhood onset asthma risk locus

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posted on 2021-10-11, 03:14 authored by Marcus M. Soliai, Atsushi Kato, Britney A. Helling, Catherine T. Stanhope, James E. Norton, Katherine A. Naughton, Aiko I. Klinger, Emma E. Thompson, Selene M. Clay, Soyeon Kim, Juan C. Celedón, James E. Gern, Daniel J. Jackson, Matthew C. Altman, Robert C. Kern, Bruce K. Tan, Robert P. Schleimer, Dan L. Nicolae, Jayant M. Pinto, Carole Ober
Additional file 12:. eQTL mash results (lfsr< 0.05).


National Institutes of Health Ernest S. Bazley Charitable Fund
