Springer Nature
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Additional file 12: of In-depth genome characterization of a Brazilian common bean core collection using DArTseq high-density SNP genotyping

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posted on 2017-05-30, 05:00 authored by Paula Valdisser, Wendell Pereira, Jâneo Almeida Filho, Bárbara Müller, Gesimária Coelho, Ivandilson de Menezes, João Vianna, Maria Zucchi, Anna Lanna, Alexandre Coelho, Jaison de Oliveira, Alessandra Moraes, Claudio Brondani, Rosana Vianello
Functional annotation of transcripts affected by SNP outliers in the Mesoamerican gene pool. (XLSX 24 kb)


Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
