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tacasart.ova (1.45 GB)

TACAS 2018 Artifact Evaluation VM

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posted on 2018-02-16, 17:54 authored by Arnd Hartmanns, Philipp Wendler
This virtual machine was used for the evaluation of artifacts for TACAS 2018. It is based on an Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit OS with Linux 4.10 and the following packages: build-essential (this includes gcc), cmake, clang, mono-complete, openjdk-8-jdk, ruby. Additionally, a 32-bit libc is installed. The password for the user tacasart is tacasart. The VM is packaged in an Open Virtualization Archive and can for example be run with VirtualBox.

For the evaluation of some of the TACAS 2018 artifacts, the amount of memory of the VM may need to be increased.
