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Supplementary Table 3. Filtering HAPMIX inferred African fragments

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posted on 2017-12-22, 13:27 authored by Anuradha Jagadeesan, Ellen D. Gunnarsdóttir, S. Sunna Ebenesersdóttir, Valdis B. Guðmundsdóttir, Elisabet Linda Thordardottir, Margrét S. Einarsdóttir, Hákon Jónsson, Jean-Michel Dugoujon, Cesar Fortes-Lima, Florence Migot-Nabias, Achille Massougbodji, Gil Bellis, Luisa Pereira, Gísli Másson, Augustine Kong, Kári Stefánsson, Agnar Helgason
African fragments inferred in HJ descendants by HAPMIX in haploid mode. Each putative African fragment is listed with information about the parent of origin, represented as “P” for paternal and “M” for maternal, and the breakpoints in physical positions and centi-Morgans (cM).When an ancestor on the path to HJ is also genotyped (GA), the following information is also provided for the most recent GA. First, whether the fragment is present in the GA (and if present, its parental origin in the GA) (ii). Second, whether the fragment is also identified as African in the GA. Third, the expected parent of origin in the GA. Two additional variables indicate whether a fragment is inherited from the correct parent of origin and is consistent with the genealogy (when GA is present). The number of genotyped Icelanders who are not descendants of HJ, but completely share the fragment, is also given (out of a total of 150,832).


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