Springer Nature
15 files

Reliable Components Analysis datasets and metadata supporting the published article: Neural dynamics underlying coherent motion perception in children and adults

posted on 2020-03-31, 13:38 authored by Catherine Manning, Blair Kaneshiro, Peter J. Kohler, Mihaela Duta, Gaia Scerif, Anthony M. Norcia

This fileset contains Reliable Components Analysis data related to the following published article:

Catherine Manning, Blair Kaneshiro, Peter J. Kohler, Mihaela Duta, Gaia Scerif and Anthony M. Norcia. (2019). Neural dynamics underlying coherent motion perception in children and adults. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 38, 100670 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2019.100670.

Dataset demographics_incl.csv is in .csv file format and includes the age for each of 122 participants (102 children, 20 adults). DevCond refers to whether the participant has a developmental condition (1 = developmental condition, 0 = no developmental conditions; i.e., none of the participants have developmental conditions). Hands refers to the response condition that the participant was assigned to (1 = used left hand to respond up & right hand to respond down; 2 = used right hand to respond up and left hand to respond down). ID numbers beginning C are child participants and ID numbers beginning A are adult participants.

Data files cohOut_group_1.mat, cohOut_group_2.mat, cohOut_group_3.mat, cohOut_group_4.mat, MOVEP_datIn_group1.mat, MOVEP_datIn_group2.mat, MOVEP_datIn_group3.mat, MOVEP_datIn_group4.mat, MOVEP_datInLong_group1.mat, MOVEP_datInLong_group2.mat, MOVEP_datInLong_group3.mat, MOVEP_datInLong_group4.mat are group summaries, in comparison to the 122 Formatted_XXXX.3_40_preproc.mat files, which are individual data files. More information about the contents of these files are provided in the document Details on group summary files.docx


This project was funded by an Experimental Psychology Society (UK) study visit and small grant to CM, and a James S. McDonnell Foundation Understanding Human Cognition Scholar Award to GS. CM was supported by a Scott Family Junior Research Fellowship at University College, Oxford, and a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship (grant number 204685/Z/16/Z).


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