Springer Nature
12864_2019_6358_MOESM7_ESM.pdf (4.29 MB)

MOESM7 of Genomes and secretomes of Ascomycota fungi reveal diverse functions in plant biomass decomposition and pathogenesis

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-12-13, 07:40 authored by Jean Challacombe, Cedar Hesse, Lisa Bramer, Lee McCue, Mary Lipton, Samuel Purvine, Carrie Nicora, La Gallegos-Graves, Andrea Porras-Alfaro, Cheryl Kuske
Additional file 7. Labeled volcano plot Aspergillus CK392 all culture conditions. Labeled volcano plot showing proteins with increased expression in Aspergillus CK392 in chitin, grass and pine cultures compared to sucrose control.


EMSL High-Performance Mass Spectrometry Facility
