Springer Nature
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MOESM6 of Differential basal expression of immune genes confers Crassostrea gigas resistance to Pacific oyster mortality syndrome

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posted on 2020-01-21, 05:12 authored by Julien Lorgeril, Bruno Petton, Aude Lucasson, Valérie Perez, Pierre-Louis Stenger, Lionel Dégremont, Caroline Montagnani, Jean-Michel Escoubas, Philippe Haffner, Jean-François Allienne, Marc Leroy, Franck Lagarde, Jérémie Vidal-Dupiol, Yannick Gueguen, Guillaume Mitta
Additional file 6 Blast2GO annotation of the 28,027 genes identified in the genome of C. gigas.


Agence Nationale de la Recherche
