Springer Nature
13068_2017_798_MOESM6_ESM.pptx (11.7 MB)

MOESM6 of Applications of microalgal biofilms for wastewater treatment and bioenergy production

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posted on 2017-05-10, 05:00 authored by Ana Miranda, Narasimhan Ramkumar, Constandino Andriotis, Thorben HĂśltkemeier, Aneela Yasmin, Simone Rochfort, Donald Wlodkowic, Paul Morrison, Felicity Roddick, German Spangenberg, Banwari Lal, Sanjukta Subudhi, Aidyn Mouradov
Additional file 6: Figure S6. Attachments of microalgal cells to BAPS-52-1 and BAPS-52-2 filaments. Secretion of EPS from BAPS-52-2 (A) and BAPS-52-1 (B); (C, D) Attachment of BAPS-21-1 to BAPS-52-1 filaments; (E) Attachment of BAPS-52-4 to BAPS-52-1 filaments; (F) Biofilm produced by mono-cultured diatoms BAPS-52-5; (G-I) Attachment of BAPS-52-4 diatom to BAPS-52-1 filaments; (J) Attachment of BAPS-52-5 diatom to BAPS-52-1 filaments; (K) Attachment of BAPS-52-5 diatom to BAPS-52-2 filaments. Secreted EPS is shown by the red arrow. Scale bars represent: (A -K), 20 ¾m.
