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MOESM5 of Toxoplasma gondii ROP18 inhibits human glioblastoma cell apoptosis through a mitochondrial pathway by targeting host cell P2X1

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posted on 2019-06-04, 05:00 authored by Li-Juan Zhou, Min Chen, Santhosh Puthiyakunnon, Cheng He, Jing Xia, Cynthia He, Sheng-Qun Deng, Hong-Juan Peng
Additional file 5: Figure S4. Effect of T. gondii virulence factor ROP18 on ATP-induced apoptosis of RAW264.7 and THP-1 cells. RAW264.7 and THP-1 cells were infected with RH or RH-Δrop18 tachyzoites (MOI = 13) or left uninfected to serve as the normal control (N) or positive control (ATP treatment). At 12 h post-infection, 1 mg/ml ATP was added to the cells for an additional 12 h, except in the normal control group. a Representative flow cytometry data. b Quantification of the flow cytometry data. The percentages of apoptotic cells were separately determined for each group of cells. The experiments were repeated four times for Kruskal–Wallis H-test statistical analysis (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01).


National Key R&D program of China
