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MOESM5 of Origin and recent expansion of an endogenous gammaretroviral lineage in domestic and wild canids

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-03-07, 05:00 authored by Julia Halo, Amanda Pendleton, Abigail Jarosz, Robert Gifford, Malika Day, Jeffrey Kidd
Additional file 5: Figure S2. Depletion of CfERV-Fc1(a) insertions near dog gene models. Following one thousand permutations, the number of gene models that intersect with shuffled CfERV-Fc1(a) insertions are displayed in histograms. Permuted insertions that intersect with at least one Ensembl dog gene model precisely (green), within 10 kb (blue) or 50 kb (gray) are shown. Red lines indicate the observed number of insertions from the true set.


National Institute of General Medical Sciences
