Springer Nature
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MOESM3 of Multi-species annotation of transcriptome and chromatin structure in domesticated animals

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Version 2 2020-01-16, 04:57
Version 1 2019-12-30, 04:21
posted on 2020-01-16, 04:57 authored by Sylvain Foissac, Sarah Djebali, Kylie Munyard, Nathalie Vialaneix, Andrea Rau, Kevin Muret, Diane Esquerré, Matthias Zytnicki, Thomas Derrien, Philippe Bardou, Fany Blanc, Cédric Cabau, Elisa Crisci, Sophie Dhorne-Pollet, Françoise Drouet, Thomas Faraut, Ignacio Gonzalez, Adeline Goubil, Sonia Lacroix-Lamandé, Fabrice Laurent, Sylvain Marthey, Maria Marti-Marimon, Raphaelle Momal-Leisenring, Florence Mompart, Pascale Quéré, David Robelin, Magali Cristobal, Gwenola Tosser-Klopp, Silvia Vincent-Naulleau, Stéphane Fabre, Marie-Hélène Pinard-Van der Laan, Christophe Klopp, Michèle Tixier-Boichard, Hervé Acloque, Sandrine Lagarrigue, Elisabetta Giuffra
Additional file 3 Orthologs between the 4 livestock species. We used Biomart to retrieve the 1 to 1 orthology relationships between chicken, pig and cattle and added goat via gene name. The human gene id is given for reference.
