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Additional file 3 of Mining of favorable alleles for seed reserve utilization efficiency in Oryza sativa by means of association mapping

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Version 2 2020-01-28, 04:42
Version 1 2020-01-17, 09:50
posted on 2020-01-28, 04:42 authored by Nour Ali, Dalu Li, Moaz Eltahawy, Dina Abdulmajid, Lal Bux, Erbao Liu, Xiaojing Dang, Delin Hong
Additional file 3. Figure S3. Part of the experiment operation process of SRUE measurement. a. Rice grains were lined on the filter papers. b. Rolled the papers and sail it with rubber band. c. Cover the top of the paper roll with self-sealing plastic bag and then vertically place them into a plastic box containing a layer tap water (10 cm depth). d. Etiolated seedlings after 10 days’ culture under complete dark at 30 °C. e. Separated fresh etiolated seedling (shoot and root) and the grain remnant on aluminum foil. f. Dried etiolated seedling (shoot and root) and grain remnant on aluminum foil.


National Natural Science Foundation of China
