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MOESM3 of Is cancer-related death associated with circadian rhythm?

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posted on 2019-10-24, 13:51 authored by Shing Lee, Miguel Luque-Fernandez
Additional file 3: Figure S2. Scatter plot of the number of deaths by time in hours (A) and in minutes of the day (B), showing the temporal pattern of death due to ischemic heart disease, Hong Kong, 2008–2016. We found evidence of a unimodal sinusoidal circadian rhythm (periodicity) in the time of cardiac deaths according to the parametric sinusoidal circadian test (Z = 3.97, P = 0.019). Note: Restricted cubic splines using 3 knots were fitted to model the number of deaths in each hour of the day. The resulting spline fit is graphed as a red line.
