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MOESM3 of Hypoxia and therapeutic treatment of EV-A71 with an immune modulator TLR7 agonist in a new immunocompetent mouse model

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posted on 2019-11-12, 05:03 authored by An-Ting Liou, Chun-Che Liao, Shu-Fan Chou, Ya-Shu Chang, Chih-Shin Chang, Chiaho Shih
Additional file 3: Figure S3. Treatment with neutralizing antibody against IFNAR enhanced VP1 signals in the thoracic spinal cord. Thoracic vertebrae can be divided into 4 segments. In control mice without IFNAR antibody treatment, VP1 protein signals in the spinal cord were weak, and limited to only a small segment 2 of the thoracic vertebrae. In contrast, in mice treated with anti-IFNAR antibody, VP1 protein signals in thoracic segment 2 were stronger, and more wide-spread to other segments of cervical vertebrae (Fig. 4d).


Academia Sinica
