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journal contribution
posted on 2016-12-07, 05:00 authored by Vincent Pujol, Jose Robles, Penghao Wang, Jen Taylor, Peng Zhang, Li Huang, Linda Tabe, Evans Lagudah
Additional file 3. Genomic distribution of Unigenes. Top: the percent of total expressed Unigenes (67,156) on each chromosome. Note: chromosome 3B includes both 3BL and 3BS. Middle: the number of the 353 genes of interest (GOIs) on each chromosome, expressed as a percent of the total number of expressed Unigenes assigned to that chromosome (percent of Unigenes per chromosome). Bottom: the number of the 198 GOIs that were DE at 0DPI on each chromosome expressed as a percent of the total number of expressed Unigenes assigned to each chromosome.


National Science Foundation
