Springer Nature
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MOESM2 of Remodeling of nuclear landscapes during human myelopoietic cell differentiation maintains co-aligned active and inactive nuclear compartments

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posted on 2015-11-17, 05:00 authored by Barbara Hübner, Mariana Lomiento, Fabiana Mammoli, Doris Illner, Yolanda Markaki, Sergio Ferrari, Marion Cremer, Thomas Cremer
Additional file 2. Section galleries of nuclei shown in Fig. 2. Galleries of light optical serial sections (axial distance = 125 nm between each optical section) of whole 3D-SIM 3D acquisitions of the DAPI stained nuclei shown in Fig. 2. For the progenitor cell every fifth image (axial distance = 625 nm), for the monoblast every second image (axial distance = 250 nm), for myeloblasts, monocytes and granulocytes every third image (axial distance = 375 nm) is included. Nuclei of progenitors exhibit an overall roundish shape with invaginations at the surface. Monoblast nuclei are of ellipsoid shape with typically deep and complex invaginations. Nuclei of myeloblasts are similar to monoblast nuclei; however, typically they are slightly thicker, and invaginations often pervade the whole nucleus. Monocytes are characterized by horseshoe-shaped nuclei with an irregular surface. Nuclei of granulocytes are divided into several interconnected lobes.


Centro di studi e richerche Enrico Fermi
