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MOESM2 of LMAP_S: Lightweight Multigene Alignment and Phylogeny eStimation

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-12-31, 04:53 authored by Emanuel Maldonado, Agostinho Antunes
Additional file 2. Figures exhibiting LMAP_S applications options and stage arguments. (Figure S1): command-line options for lmap-s.pl application. (Figure S2): command-line options for RYcode.pl application. (Figure S3): lmap-s.pl arguments for algorithm selection in Stage 2 (AE). (Figure S4): lmap-s.pl arguments for algorithm selection in Stage 4 (ARC). (Figure S5): lmap-s.pl arguments for algorithm selection in Stage 5 (PE). (Figure S6): lmap-s.pl arguments for translation table selection. (Figure S7): lmap-s.pl display of available integrated software.
