Springer Nature
12898_2016_89_MOESM2_ESM.csv (11.52 kB)

MOESM2 of Chemical disguise of myrmecophilous cockroaches and its implications for understanding nestmate recognition mechanisms in leaf-cutting ants

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posted on 2016-08-05, 05:00 authored by Volker Nehring, Francesca Dani, Luca Calamai, Stefano Turillazzi, Horst Bohn, Klaus-Dieter Klass, Patrizia d’Ettorre
Additional file 2. The raw chemical data (total ion count) per sample for Acromyrmex colonies. Peaks are numbered according to Table 1 and additional file 1; sample names include information about colony number and whether the sample is a cockroach (“roach”) or a worker (“mw”).


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