Springer Nature
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MOESM1 of Unravelling the genes forming the wing pattern supergene in the polymorphic butterfly Heliconius numata

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-08-09, 04:06 authored by Suzanne Saenko, Mathieu Chouteau, Florence Piron-Prunier, Corinne Blugeon, Mathieu Joron, Violaine Llaurens
Additional file 1: Table S1. Information on probes used for ISH in H. numata larval wing discs. Figure S1. Principal component analysis (PCA) plot of read counts matrix from RNA-seq data. Table S2. Gene set enrichment analysis comparing the rank of differential expression in transcripts mapped to the supergene P to the rest of the transcriptome using 1,000 transcript permutations. Table S3. Analysis of splicing sites in the first intron of cortex. Figure S2. Examples of expression patterns observed in larval wing discs of H. numata. A. Ubiquitous expression, B. Expression in the trachea, C. No detectable signal. Figure S3. Expression patterns of cortex in larval wing discs of H. numata (all samples).


Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France)
