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MOESM1 of Optimized sampling protocol for mass spectrometry-based metabolomics in Streptomyces

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-09-11, 04:57 authored by Xiaoyun Liu, Tong Wang, Xiaojuan Sun, Zejian Wang, Xiwei Tian, Yingping Zhuang, Ju Chu
Additional file 1: Table S1. Details of quenching solutions and extraction procedures. Q1–Q5 denotes 5 quenching experiments and E1–E3 denotes 3 extraction procedures. Table S2. The gradient and flow rate for the determination of nucleotides. Table S3. The gradient and flow rate for the determination of coenzymes. Table S4. Reproducibility is assessed by %RSD in different extraction and quenching conditions. Table S5. Intracellular metabolites in Streptomyces ZYJ-6. Based on IsoaB and Meth60 as the quenching solution and thawing-freezing (TF) in liquid nitrogen and cryostat at − 30 °C within 50% (v/v) methanol for three cycles as extraction solutions. IsoaB: isoamylol with base solution 5:1 (v/v) at − 30 °C and Meth60: 60% methanol at − 30 °C, respectively. Base solution was made up of acetone: ethanol = 1:1 (mol/mol). Multiples were calculated by IsoaB/Meth60.


Major State Basic Research Development Program of China
