Springer Nature
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MOESM1 of MicroRNA-155 contributes to shear-resistant leukocyte adhesion to human brain endothelium in vitro

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posted on 2019-10-10, 08:55 authored by Camilla Cerutti, Patricia Soblechero-Martin, Dongsheng Wu, Miguel Lopez-Ramirez, Helga Vries, Basil Sharrack, David Male, Ignacio Romero
Additional file 1: Video S1. Representative video of flow-based leukocyte adhesion assay using live cell imaging. Brightfield (Left Panel) and FITC (Right Panel) are displayed in parallel to show that the flow-based leukocyte adhesion assay used allows to perform live cell imaging recording both the endothelial monolayer by light microscopy and the fluorescent labelled leukocytes by fluorescent microscopy. The number of arrested JURKAT cells constantly increased along the channel of Ibidi® Slide VI, the yellow arrows (Right Panel) indicate arrested Jurkat cells. Objective 10x, phase-contrast illumination and FITC channel (1 phase-contrast and 1 FITC), field of view 640 μm × 480 μm.


Multiple Sclerosis Society
