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MOESM1 of Measuring energy, macro and micronutrient intake in UK children and adolescents: a comparison of validated dietary assessment tools

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-11-21, 05:04 authored by Linda Bush, Jayne Hutchinson, Jozef Hooson, Marisol Warthon-Medina, Neil Hancock, Katharine Greathead, Bethany Knowles, Elisa Vargas-Garcia, Lauren Gibson, Barrie Margetts, Sian Robinson, Andy Ness, Nisreen Alwan, Petra Wark, Mark Roe, Paul Finglas, Toni Steer, Polly Page, Laura Johnson, Katharine Roberts, Birdem Amoutzopoulos, Darren Greenwood, Janet Cade
Additional file 1. systematic review of reviews search algorithm. This is an example of a search run in Ovid MEDLINE(R). The search was initially conducted in May/June 2015, then updated in October 2016, and was restricted to reviews published between January 2000 and October 2016. (DOCX 12 kb)


Medical Research Council
