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MOESM1 of Language of written medical educational materials for non-English speaking populations: an evaluation of a simplified bi-lingual approach

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-11-12, 05:03 authored by Tamim Alsuliman, Lugien Alasadi, Angie Mouki, Bayan Alsaid
Additional file 1: Appendix 1. Questionnaire Structure. Figure S1. Study flow chart. Table S1. Test results of 1504 responders from Arabic language population (medical sciences students). Table S2. Right answers distribution; A. among 737 responders from Syrian Universities’ students who preferred Arabic language. And B. among 456 responders from Syrian Universities’ students who didn’t prefer Arabic language as a medium of medical sciences instruction. Table S3. Paragraph preference distribution; A. among 737 responders from Syrian Universities’ students who preferred Arabic language. And B. among 456 responders from Syrian Universities’ students who didn’t prefer Arabic language as a medium of medical sciences instruction. Table S4. Male/Female distribution; A. among 737 responders from Syrian Universities’ students who preferred Arabic language. And B. among 456 responders from Syrian Universities’ students who didn’t prefer Arabic language as a medium of medical sciences instruction. Table S5. Estimated Answering Time Distribution, and Distribution of Right Answers for the Paragraphs’ Questions in Less Than 1.5 Minute; A. among 737 responders from Syrian Universities’ students who preferred Arabic language. And B. among 456 responders from Syrian Universities’ students who didn’t prefer Arabic language as a medium of medical sciences instruction. (PDF 820 kb)


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