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MOESM1 of Initial therapy affects duration of diarrhoea in critically ill patients with Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI)

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-12-10, 05:07 authored by Carolin Manthey, Darja Dranova, Martin Christner, Andreas Drolz, Stefan Kluge, Ansgar Lohse, Valentin Fuhrmann
Additional file 1: Figure S1. CDI specific therapy in all ICU patients with CDI 2010–2015. Legend: Abbreviations: IV: intravenously, VPR: Vancomycin per rectum. Table S1. Treatment strategy according to CDI severity during first 48 h after diagnosis of CDI. Legend: A: before 2014, B: 2014-October 2015. Table S2. Characteristics of all treated patients with CDI. Legend: Univariate regression analysis of risk factors of 28-day survivors vs. 28-day-nonsurvivors. Abbreviations: BUN: blood urea nitrogen, CRP: C-reactive protein, vol.: volume, MAP: mean arterial pressure. Table S3. Patients’ characteristics of the study population with CDI stratified according to diarrhoea 5 days. Table S4. Patients’ characteristics of the study population with CDI stratified according to initial CDI therapy (first 48 h).
