Springer Nature
12862_2019_1546_MOESM1_ESM.docx (562.47 kB)

MOESM1 of Fruit syndromes in Viburnum: correlated evolution of color, nutritional content, and morphology in bird-dispersed fleshy fruits

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-01-14, 05:15 authored by Miranda Sinnott-Armstrong, Chong Lee, Wendy Clement, Michael Donoghue
Additional file 1: Table S1. Nutritional, morphological and (categorical) color data for Viburnum species, as well as accession numbers and sample sizes for each measurement. Table S2. Step cost matrix implemented in Mesquite to represent the paedomorphy model. Table S3. Transition rate matrices used in the ancestral state reconstruction by maximum likelihood. Table S4. Transition rates between each fruit color state as estimated by make.simmap in phytools using a symmetrical model of evolution.. Figure. S1. Species’ colors plotted in tetrahedral color space according to a visual model of a UV-sensitive bird. Figure S2. Volume overlap between each fruit color category in tetrahedral color space.


National Science Foundation
