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MOESM1 of Complex insight on microanatomy of larval “human broad tapeworm” Dibothriocephalus latus (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidea)

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posted on 2019-08-22, 04:28 authored by Daniel Barčák, Aneta Yoneva, Hana Sehadová, Mikuláš Oros, Andrea Gustinelli, Roman Kuchta
Additional file 1: Video S1. A movie showing distribution of both superficial and internal structures in the scolex of D. latus plerocercoids. Performed on the same individual shown in Fig. 2a–f; β tubulin-IR structures are white, serotonin-IR structures are green and DAPI staining displays in blue.


EXPRO program of the Czech Science Foundation
