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MOESM1 of Clinical, pathological, and laboratory diagnoses of diseases of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), live stranded on the Dutch and adjacent coasts from 2003 to 2016

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-10-31, 06:03 authored by Cornelis Elk, Marco Bildt, Peter Run, Paulien Bunskoek, Jolanda Meerbeek, Geoffrey Foster, Albert Osterhaus, Thijs Kuiken
Additional file 1. Pathology per organ. Respiratory tract pathology: 1. Pneumonias: i. Parasitic pneumonia gross lesions and histology, ii. Bacterial pneumonias gross lesions and histology. iii. Fungal pneumonias gross lesions and histology. 2. Pathology of the pulmonary vasculature, 3. CNS pathology: a. Fungal infection, histology, b. Viral infection, histology, c. Inflammation of unknown aetiology, histology. 4. Liver pathology: a. Non inflammatory lesions, gross lesions and histology, b. Bacterial infection, gross lesions and histology. Organ sizes and weights (relative to body length) in relation to lesions observed: Table S1. Individual animals with their lesions distributed into lesions which contributed to stranding, did not contribute to stranding or were acquired after stranding, with comment interpreting the severity of lesions. Table S2. Organs involved and etiological categories involved in significant diagnoses, per stranded harbour porpoise. Table S3. Nematode infections in juvenile harbour porpoises with and without severe pneumonia. Table S4. Nematode infections in adult harbour porpoises with and without severe pneumonia. Table S5. p values according to Fisher’s exact test (two-sided) comparing nematode infections in juvenile harbour porpoises with severe pneumonia to those in juveniles without severe pneumonia (n = 20). Table S6. Comparison of prevalence and abundance of Pseudalius inflexus infections in the pulmonary vasculature of juveniles and adult harbour porpoises. Table S7. Comparison of prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in juvenile and adult harbour porpoises. Table S8. Comparison of prevalence and abundance of different parasite species in the digestive tracts of juvenile and adult harbour porpoises. Table S9. Overview of lesions, diagnosis and most prominent clinical signs.
