Springer Nature
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MOESM1 of Circulating microRNA-21 is an early predictor of ROS-mediated damage in subjects with high risk of developing diabetes and in drug-naïve T2D

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-02-25, 05:00 authored by Lucia La Sala, Simona Mrakic-Sposta, Elena Tagliabue, Francesco Prattichizzo, Stefano Micheloni, Elena Sangalli, Claudia Specchia, Anna Uccellatore, Silvia Lupini, Gaia Spinetti, Paola de Candia, Antonio Ceriello
Additional file 1. Absorbance (Abs) of plasma samples read at 375 nm and 414 nm wavelength using a spectrophotometer [26, 27]. The ratio between absorbance at 414 nm and 375 nm was calculated. The ratio major than 1.4 was considered sample hemolyzed [26]. Further, we read at 541 nm and 576 nm in order to verify the high levels of hemolysis [26, 27].


European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (DE)/Sanofi program 2017
