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MOESM1 of Characterization of resistance to a potent d-peptide HIV entry inhibitor

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posted on 2019-10-23, 08:28 authored by Amanda Smith, Matthew Weinstock, Amanda Siglin, Frank Whitby, J. Francis, Christopher Hill, Debra Eckert, Michael Root, Michael Kay
Additional file 1. Mutations observed in PIE12-trimer resistant viral pools. Env gene position (pNL4-3 numbering), reference base, and all base calls for control and PIE12-trimer resistance viral populations with a mutation > 10% of the population (with percentage of the base calls for each position colored on a spectrum from low (light pink) to high (red)) are indicated. Additionally, the positions are annotated by their location in Env according to the following categories: known or putative glycosylation site (green), gp120 variable loops (gray), chemokine receptor (co-receptor) binding site (blue), rev-response element (dark gray), gp41 N-trimer (orange), gp41 C-peptide region (light blue), or the Rev coding region included within the env gene (yellow). Eighty-one positions were identified. Of these, 74 conform to our analysis criteria (found in the resistant pool(s) and > 10% different frequency than in the control pool).


National Institutes of Health
