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MOESM1 of ALS-linked TDP-43M337V knock-in mice exhibit splicing deregulation without neurodegeneration

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-01-21, 05:13 authored by Seiji Watanabe, Kotaro Oiwa, Yuri Murata, Okiru Komine, Akira Sobue, Fumito Endo, Eiki Takahashi, Koji Yamanaka
Additional file 1. Material and methods. Figure S1. Direct sequencing of Tardbp gene exon 6 in heterozygous TDP-43M337V knock-in mice. Figure S2. Body weights were not affected in TDP-43M337V knock-in mice. Figure S3. Relative expression levels of Notch1 and Nek1 mRNAs were not altered in the brain of aged homozygous TDP-43M337V mice. Figure S4. Splicing was not altered in Eif4h or Poldip3, which are also regulated by TDP-43, in the brain of aged homozygous TDP-43M337V mouse brains. Figure S5. Gliosis was not observed in ventral horn of aged (700 days-old) homozygous TDP-43M337V mice. Figure S6. The number of Gems was not affected in ventral horn neurons of aged (700 days-old) homozygous TDP-43M337V mice.


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
