Springer Nature
13227_2020_147_MOESM12_ESM.docx (818.7 kB)

MOESM12 of Elongation during segmentation shows axial variability, low mitotic rates, and synchronized cell cycle domains in the crustacean, Thamnocephalus platyurus

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-01-19, 04:35 authored by Savvas Constantinou, Nicole Duan, Lisa Nagy, Ariel Chipman, Terri Williams
Additional file 12. Comparison of dorsal and ventral cell dynamics in Thamnocephalus larvae, visualized by EdU incorporation. The pattern of Edu and all growth zone measures carry around to the dorsal side of the larvae (shown in focus in A). Focusing through the same specimen shows the normal pattern we describe in the text (B, cells out of focus due to being viewed through dorsal tissue). This corresponding patterning justifies restricting our measures and calculations to the ventral surface since we focus on changes in dimension and other relative features, not absolute measures.


United States - Israel Binational Science Foundation
