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SupplementaryCode_HoopStats.zip (19.16 kB)

Dissociating memory accessibility and precision in forgetting [ Registered Report Stage 1 - Code]

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posted on 2019-06-05, 11:07 authored by Sam Berens, Blake A. Richards, Aidan HornerAidan Horner
Supplementary Matlab Code for the Registered Report Stage 1 Protocol "Dissociating memory accessibility and precision in forgetting"

1) HoopStats_CalcParams.m

MATLAB function: Computes various statistics for a sample of angles in radians. If optional Weights
argument is supplied, angles are weighted to have varying influences on the statistics.

2) HoopStats_EstimMixtureModel.m

MATLAB function: Estimates a mixture model for circularly distributed data. Components within the
model can include a uniform distribution and arbitrarily many target/fixed position von Mises
distributions. This function calls both “HoopStats_RunEM.m” and “HoopStats_HardCluster.m” in an
attempt to find the best fitting mixture model that is more parsimonious than a reduced model with
a single uniform distribution.

3) HoopStats_HardCluster.m

MATLAB function: Estimates a mixture model for circularly distributed accuracy data using a hard
clustering method.

4) HoopStats_InfoContent.m

MATLAB function: Computes the information content of a von Mises distribution with a prior weight
of p and a concentration parameter of k.

5) HoopStats_K2H.m

MATLAB function: Computes the information entropy (H) of a von Mises distribution with a
concentration parameter of k. If k is 0, H is maximal and reflects the information entropy of a
uniform distribution.

6) HoopStats_K2R.m

MATLAB function: Converts the von Mises concentration parameter (k) to a resultant (mean) vector
length r.

7) HoopStats_KCorrection.m

MATLAB function: Implements the Best & Fisher (1981) correction to reduce bias in estimates of k
when they based on fewer than 15 data points.

8) HoopStats_R2K.m

MATLAB function: Converts a resultant (mean) vector length (r) into a von Mises concentration
parameter (k).

9) HoopStats_RunEM.m

MATLAB function: Estimates a circular mixture model using Expectation Maximization (EM).

10) HoopStats_VonmFit.m

MATLAB function: Compute values of the von Mises probability density function (Pd) and the
associated negative log-likelihood (Nll) for angles (in radians) drawn from a distribution with mean
Mu and concentration k.


AJH is funded by the Wellcome Trust (204277/Z/16/Z) and ESRC (ES/R007454/1). BR is funded by a Learning in Machines and Brains Fellowship from the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research and a Discovery Grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (RGPIN-2014-04947). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.


Date of in-principle acceptance


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