Springer Nature
SGAxAGAxLGA_AMH.xlsx (12.3 kB)

Birth weights and serum concentrations of anti-Müllerian hormone during menacme (as a proxy for functional ovarian reserve) of females aged 34-35 who were born at full term

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posted on 2019-05-30, 00:33 authored by Maria Lucia Santos Lima, Gustavo Salata Romão, Heloisa Bettiol, Marco Antonio Barbieri, Rui Alberto Ferriani, Paula A Navarro

This dataset investigates the possible relationship between birth weight and functional ovarian reserve, where the latter is estimated from serum level of anti-Müllerian hormone.

The data is contained in a single .xlsx spreadsheet. The data were collected from 274 women who were born at full-term in Ribeirão Preto City between June 1, 1978 and May 31, 1979. Two measurement values are given:

- Column A: relative size for gestational age at birth. This is presented as one of three categories:

--- SGA (small for gestational age): birth weight below the 10th percentile

--- AGA (appropriate for gestational age): birth weight between the 10th percentile and the 90th percentile

--- LGA (large for gestational age): birth weight above the 90th percentile

- Column B: AMH (anti-Müllerian hormone) concentration. This was determined using an immunoassay with the Ultra-sensitive AMH/MIS ELISA AL-105 apparatus (AnshLabs, Texas, USA®). The units are ng/mL.

The related manuscript investigates the hypothesis that an adverse intrauterine environment can lead to low infant birth weight, and this can reprogram genes that regulate functional ovarian reserve. Under this hypothesis, a lower functional ovarian reserve is predicted in women who were born small for gestational age than in those who were born large for gestational age, where functional ovarian reserve is estimated by the serum level of anti-Müllerian hormone. To test the hypothesis, the authors investigated the relationship between the birth weight of full-term females and their functional ovarian reserve during menacme, which was estimated by serum anti-Müllerian hormone concentration. The women selected for the study were all 34-35 years-old.


This study received financial support from the Foundation for the Support of Research in the State of São Paulo (FAPESP, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo), grant 2013/16118-0.


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