Springer Nature
TACAS19_Meyer_Esparza_Offtermatt.zip (467.73 MB)

Artifact and instructions to generate experimental results for TACAS 2019 paper: Computing the Expected Execution Time of Probabilistic Workflow Nets

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posted on 2019-03-12, 18:41 authored by Philipp J. Meyer, Javier Esparza, Philip Offtermatt
This is the artifact accompanying the paper "Computing the Expected Execution Time of Probabilistic Workflow Nets", accepted for TACAS 2019. Timed Probabilistic Workflow Nets (TPWN) are a model for business process modeling extended with time and probabilistic information. In the paper, we have shown that computing the excepted execution time of a TPWN is #P-hard, even for simple net structures. We then developed an exponential time algorithm to compute the expected execution time, and evaluated it on a set of real-word workflow net benchmarks. As a result, we obtained that for most nets, the time can be computed efficiently despite the theoretical hardness.

This artifact can be used to reproduce the results given in Section 6 "Experimental evaluation" of the paper. It includes the workflow and process mining workbench ProM together with the plugin we implemented to compute the expected execution time. Further, this artifact contains a set of 642 workflow nets from IBM, annotated with 3 sets of random times and probabilities, and scripts to compute the expected execution time of all nets and aggregate the results. This can be used to validate the results in Table 1. Also, the workflow net from the BPI Challenge shown in Fig. 4 of the paper is included, in a deterministic and probabilistic version. This net can be analyzed using ProM to validate the results in Table 2.


Negotiations: A Model for Tractable Concurrency.

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European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant 787367 (PaVeS).
