Springer Nature
12870_2015_594_MOESM9_ESM.xlsx (644.47 kB)

Additional file 9: of Metabolome analysis of 20 taxonomically related benzylisoquinoline alkaloid-producing plants

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posted on 2015-09-15, 05:00 authored by Jillian Hagel, Rupasri Mandal, Beomsoo Han, Jun Han, Donald Dinsmore, Christoph Borchers, David Wishart, Peter Facchini
Exact mass list acquired using UPLC-FTMS analysis in positive ion mode. UPLC retention time (Rt) and total ion count is provided for each ionic mass (m/z) for all 4 replicates (labeled A, B, C, D) for each of 20 plant species. Species abbreviations are defined in Table 1. (XLSX 644 kb)


Genome Canada
