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Additional file 8 of The wild species genome ancestry of domestic chickens

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-02-13, 05:22 authored by Raman Lawal, Simon Martin, Koen Vanmechelen, Addie Vereijken, Pradeepa Silva, Raed Al-Atiyat, Riyadh Aljumaah, Joram Mwacharo, Dong-Dong Wu, Ya-Ping Zhang, Paul Hocking, Jacqueline Smith, David Wragg, Olivier Hanotte
Additional file 8: Table S3. Candidate introgressed regions from non-red junglefowl into domestic chicken/Red junglefowl. *Positions along the chromosome in megabase (Mb), **SEA (Southeast and East Asia) (see methods for sampling location), ***Ensembl release version 96.


University of Nottingham Vice Chancellor's Scholarship (International) award.
