Springer Nature
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Additional file 8: of High-density linkage map construction and QTL analysis for earliness-related traits in Gossypium hirsutum L

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posted on 2016-11-11, 05:00 authored by Xiaoyun Jia, Chaoyou Pang, Hengling Wei, Hantao Wang, Qifeng Ma, Jilong Yang, Shuaishuai Cheng, Junji Su, Shuli Fan, Meizhen Song, Nusireti Wusiman, Shuxun Yu
The LOD score of QTLs coinciding with qFT-D3-3 on chromosome D3. FBP: flowering to boll-opening period; PH: plant height; FT: flowering timing; WGP: whole growth period; NFFB: node of the first fruiting branch; HNFFB: height of the NFFB. (TIF 3549 kb)


China Agriculture Research System
