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Additional file 8: of A genome-wide analysis of SWEET gene family in cotton and their expressions under different stresses

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posted on 2018-08-02, 05:00 authored by Lanjie ZHAO, Jinbo YAO, Wei CHEN, Yan LI, Youjun LÜ, Yan GUO, Junyi WANG, Li YUAN, Ziyang LIU, Yongshan ZHANG
Figure S4. Phylogenetic relationships, gene structure and domain compositions of the GbSWEET genes. (a) Phylogenetic relationship between A. thaliana and G. barbadense. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using MEGA 6.0 with the NJ method with 1 000 bootstrap replicates. The I clade, II clade, III clade, and IV clade is marked in cyan, purple, blue and pink, respectively. (b) Exon/intron structures of GbSWEETs. The introns and CDS are represented by orange boxes and black lines, respectively. (c) Protein domains. Each domain is represented in the colored box. (TIF 1078 kb)


The National Key Research and Development Program of China
