Springer Nature
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Additional file 7 of Landscape of genomic alterations in high-grade serous ovarian cancer from exceptional long- and short-term survivors

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posted on 2018-10-31, 05:00 authored by S. Yang, Stephanie Lheureux, Katherine Karakasis, Julia Burnier, Jeffery Bruce, Derek Clouthier, Arnavaz Danesh, Rene Quevedo, Mark Dowar, Youstina Hanna, Tiantian Li, Lin Lu, Wei Xu, Blaise Clarke, Pamela Ohashi, Patricia Shaw, Trevor Pugh, Amit Oza
All Mutect mutations 1. SNV mutations called by Mutect and annotated by Oncotator for samples LTS-001_T, LTS-002_T, LTS-003_T, LTS-004_T, LTS-005_T, LTS-006_T. (TXT 16479 kb)


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