Springer Nature
13059_2019_1676_MOESM7_ESM.csv (82.08 kB)

Additional file 7: of Comparative analysis of sequencing technologies for single-cell transcriptomics

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posted on 2019-04-09, 05:00 authored by Kedar Natarajan, Zhichao Miao, Miaomiao Jiang, Xiaoyun Huang, Hongpo Zhou, Jiarui Xie, Chunqing Wang, Shishang Qin, Zhikun Zhao, Liang Wu, Naibo Yang, Bo Li, Yong Hou, Shiping Liu, Sarah Teichmann
Table S5. Single-cell library statistics computed from randomly downsampled 1 million paired-end sequencing reads for mESCs and K562 using plate-based Smart-seq2 protocol and sequenced across HiSeq4000 and BGISEQ-500 platforms. (CSV 82 kb)


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