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Additional file 7 of Comorbid and co-occurring conditions in migraine and associated risk of increasing headache pain intensity and headache frequency: results of the migraine in America symptoms and treatment (MAST) study

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-03-03, 05:02 authored by Dawn Buse, Michael Reed, Kristina Fanning, Ryan Bostic, David Dodick, Todd Schwedt, Sagar Munjal, Preeti Singh, Richard Lipton
Additional file 7. 7A-7 U. Logistic Regression Modeling for each Co-morbid Condition. Model 1 for the Overall Population (N = 92,586), Contrasts Migraine and Non-migraine groups Adjusting for Sociodemographics (Non-migraine is the Reference Group). Model 2 in the Migraine Sample (N = 15,133) Looks at the Impact of Increasing MHD frequency (1–4, 5–9, 10–14, 15–20, ≥21 MHDs) Adjusting for Sociodemographics (1–4 MHD is the Reference Group). Model 3 in the Migraine Sample (N = 15,133) looks at the impact of Headache Pain Intensity Ratings (Low, Moderate, Severe) Adjusting for Sociodemographics (Low Headache Pain Intensity is the Reference Group). Model 4 in the Migraine sample (N = 15,133) Looks at the Combined Effect of MHD Frequency and Headache Pain Intensity Adjusting for Sociodemographics. Odds ratios and 95% Confidence Intervals are provided.


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