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Additional file 7: of Assignment of virus and antimicrobial resistance genes to microbial hosts in a complex microbial community by combined long-read assembly and proximity ligation

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posted on 2019-08-03, 05:01 authored by Derek Bickhart, Mick Watson, Sergey Koren, Kevin Panke-Buisse, Laura Cersosimo, Maximilian Press, Curtis Tassell, Jo Kessel, Bradd Haley, Seon Kim, Cheryl Heiner, Garret Suen, Kiranmayee Bakshy, Ivan Liachko, Shawn Sullivan, Phillip Myer, Jay Ghurye, Mihai Pop, Paul Weimer, Adam Phillippy, Timothy Smith
Long-read assembly MQ bin taxonomy. A tab-delimited text file that lists the taxonomic assignment of long-read assembly MQ bins as determined by the Blobtools/DIAMOND alignment pipeline. (GZ 6453 kb)


Agricultural Research Service
