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Additional file 7: of Assessing the benefits of horizontal gene transfer by laboratory evolution and genome sequencing

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posted on 2018-04-19, 05:00 authored by Hoi Chu, Kathleen Sprouffske, Andreas Wagner
Figure S8. Detection of HPA evolved clones recombined with the wrong donor due to contamination during experimental evolution. The first two principal component axes for PCA-based clustering of HPA evolved clones, based on genotypes called successfully across all clones (circles). Asterisks indicate the genomes of ancestral recipients and donors. Note that the B donor is excluded from the plot because it is too far away from the rest of the clones for meaningful data visualisation. Each circle depicts the values of the principal component one (PC1) and two (PC2) of the genotype of an evolved clone (see color legend for the experimental origin ( Re c Y X $$ \operatorname{Re}{\mathrm{c}}_{\mathrm{Y}}^{\mathrm{X}} $$ ) for each clone, where X indicates the donor and Y indicates the recipient). Open circles indicate that recipients had recombined with the appropriate donors. Closed circles indicate apparently inappropriate donors. Specifically, we found six clones (closed circles) from two Re c K K $$ \operatorname{Re}{\mathrm{c}}_{\mathrm{K}}^{\mathrm{K}} $$ and one RecK replicate population that clustered with populations exposed to B donors, indicating contamination (Note that the positions of the corresponding six closed circles overlapped extensively, and are thus not all visible). (EPS 73 kb)


Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur FĂśrderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung
