Springer Nature
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Additional file 7 of A comprehensive overview of bull sperm-borne small non-coding RNAs and their diversity across breeds

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posted on 2020-03-31, 03:45 authored by Eli Sellem, Sylvain Marthey, Andrea Rau, Luc Jouneau, Aurelie Bonnet, Jean-Philippe Perrier, Sébastien Fritz, Chrystelle Le Danvic, Mekki Boussaha, Hélène Kiefer, Hélène Jammes, Laurent Schibler
Additional file 7: Fig S6. Frequency of tRFs isotypes. The percentage of read counts was computed for each tRF and each associated anticodon, according to the tRF length. Only the most expressed tRFs are reported in the histogram. The left axis (0–40%) refers to 5p-tRHs, which are the most expressed tsRNAs. The right axis (0–10%) refers to the other tsRNAs.


Agence National pour la Recherche Apis-Gene
