Springer Nature
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Additional file 6: of Performance evaluation of commercial library construction kits for PCR-based targeted sequencing using a unique molecular identifier

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posted on 2019-03-14, 05:00 authored by Jongsuk Chung, Ki-Wook Lee, Chung Lee, Seung-Ho Shin, Sungkyu Kyung, Hyo-Jeong Jeon, Sook-Young Kim, Eunjung Cho, Chang Yoo, Dae-Soon Son, Woong-Yang Park, Donghyun Park
Analysis of UMI errors. (a) The frequency of reads tagged with erroneous UMIs was estimated by UMI-tools. (b) Sequencing metrics obtained without UMIs, with UMIs, and with error-corrected UMIs using UMI-tools. The stacked bar plot shows the fractions of filtered reads (i.e., unaligned, duplicated, and off-target reads) and reads left after filtering (i.e., on-target) during raw data processing for five commercial kits with and without UMIs for deduplication. (JPG 149 kb)


National Research Foundation of Korea
