Springer Nature
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Additional file 6: of Functional characterization of two enhancers located downstream FOXP2

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posted on 2019-05-02, 05:00 authored by Raúl Torres-Ruiz, Antonio Benítez-Burraco, Marta Martínez-Lage, Sandra Rodríguez-Perales, Paloma García-Bellido
Figure S6. Detailed view of an ENCODE UCSC genome-browser snapshot showing bar graphs with a detailed representation of the locations of FOXP2 and MDFIC genes, H3K27Ac and DNA clusters in human cell lines. The squared regions in black show the locations of FOXP2-Eproximal and FOXP2-Edistal. The red squared tracks show the alignment result between humans and bats. (JPG 761 kb)


Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de España
