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Additional file 6 of Defining immune correlates during latent and active chlamydial infection in sheep

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-06-03, 03:39 authored by Sean R. Wattegedera, Morag Livingstone, Stephen Maley, Mara Rocchi, Susan Lee, Yvonne Pang, Nick M. Wheelhouse, Kevin Aitchison, Javier Palarea-Albaladejo, David Buxton, David Longbottom, Gary Entrican
Additional file 6. Summary of estimates from linear mixed modelling of the cellularChlamydia abortusantigen-driven cellular proliferation, interferon-gamma production, interleukin (IL)-10 and IL-17A production in relation to pregnancy outcome. Here are the analysis of variance tables from the linear mixed model (LMM) fits relating to each immunological parameter graphically represented in the section “Analysis of cellular immune correlates with outcome of pregnancy”. The tables refer to (A) estimates of the statistical significance of the fixed-effects terms of the models, including week, treatment group, pregnancy outcome (term called Foetus: either lambed or aborted) and its potential 2-level and 3-level interactions; and (B) post hoc comparisons between groups for each pregnancy outcome from the model fits. Note that the comparisons are made between groups 1 (low dose), group 2 (medium dose), and the challenge control group 5 (s/c control) only as explained in the section “Statistical analyses”.


The Scottish Government Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services (RESAS) Strategic Research Programme Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division (GB) Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council H2020 European Research Council


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